Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Term Project: Bolivarianism

research essay is down below .. scroll down.

          Hi professor, i've decided to focus my term project on certain artistic/political aspects of a cultural movement known as "Bolivarianism". Bolivarianism is based the liberator of a few South American nations from Spain. In the early 1800's independence movements from Spain were active and Simon Bolivar, "El Liberator" was a key figure in thier independance. Those nations are, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Bolivia (i think) and Peru. I'm not yet 100% on all the details of facts that I bring, but I'll narrow it down later. He is kind of like the South American George Washington, but he was very anti-imperialist. His ambition was to create a successful federation of select South American nations into one entity. The o in Simon is spelled with an accent mark but i couldnt figure out how to make it.
         Simon Bolivar's influences can be seen in these nations today but have always existed. There are many references to him in political scenarios where he is often seen in background images, usually a portrait of him painted with his uniform on. In my trip to Ecuador, I've seen his name represented in Acronyms for a political party called ABA: Alianza Bolivariana Alfarista, which means the Bolilvarian Afarist alliance. Alfarist refers to Eloy Alfaro, a martyr who was a former Ecuadorian president in the 1800's, who challenged the Churchs' power in politics and was killed by their fanatics. I saw these wall murals or ads in my families neighborhood in Ecuador during my trip. this party appealed the masses, the working/low income class in kind of like a peoples movement. this party also represent Rafael Correa, the current president of Ecuador. You can also see a lot of Bolivar portraits in most of Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves' speeches in the background; a lot of his political agenda involves Bolivar in it. The organization ALBA includes Bolivar as in referring to a bolivarian alliance of latin american nations. Bolivar is on the currencies of  Colombia, Venezuela, and some other countries. Unfortunately not on Ecuador's because they sold out to the U.S. with using the dollar as thier currency. The nation of Bolivia I believe is named after Simon Bolivar. In Peru I passed a historical landmark that was the residence of Simon Bolivar. Statues of him are all over the place as well as streets/sites being named after him.
          So that's where im at so far. I'm going to focus on the artistic representation of his portrait, and his historical significance in contemporary politics. Let me konw what you think, Thanks.

(In Progress)
Jorge D. Cruz
Prof. L. Tanenbaum

                                                Bolivarianism of the Andes Nations

“For us the fatherland is America,” Bolívar proclaimed; but Gran Colombia was divided into five countries and the liberator died defeated: “We shall never be happy, never! He said to General Urdaneta (Galeano, 281).
         Símon Bolívar, the symbol of patriotism and nationalistic movements of those Andes nations, whose dream of a federated republic “Gran Colombia” died shortly before his own life, continues to exist despite all the centuries that have passed. Bolivar’s images can today be seen throughout Latin America as a powerful icon in most of the Bolivarian nations of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela; nations together that once lived a moment of existence because of Bólivar’s intention in unity and to oppose the economic and political exploitation from the colonial imperialist superpowers of then, Britain and Spain. Bolívar’s “spirit” also continues to live in the political movements of today’s Latin American societies, though not for a single federated nation but of regional cooperation of nations in economic and political unity.

               Simon Bolivar, 175? – 1830 born in --- , Venezuela to ---Class family, upbringing? -  adult life until death.(encyclopedia) Typically seen with an fancy imperial outfit, talk about his staus, age what his portrait represents….
         "Bolivarian" nations commonly present Bolivar as a nationalistic icon and the visual impression of his portrait is commonly seen in public and in office, especially throughout many speeches of leaders, especially Chaves.
Colombia assembly. President Juan Manuel Santos. www.Google/website? 2009.
Few present leaders in Latin America of pan-Latin American alliances are strongly influenced by nationalism and leftism. Hugo Chavez, Correa, Fidel Castro, that Sandinista Nicaraguan guy,  ...4got... and Evo Morales focus on unity for support of theirregional influence and against socio/economic exploitation and domination by world powers.

As it is not uncommon to presently identify Latin American politics with chaos and conflict, the many influences of religion and politics, Socialism and U.S. foreign policy, seem continue to haunt present Latin American politics by exploitation in relation by  the same dominant powers from Bolívar’s era. As past leaders’ Símon Bolivar, San Martin and Francisco Morazan struggled for nationalism, security and economic success against similar cicumstances of Latin Americas colonial past against imperial nations, expolitation by colonial super powers presently continue to plague Latin American politics today by US influence through its forein policy, as well as and the IMF …etc
Assicated Press, laguardia peridicals, jsotr art files ww.blah.?
 focusing on the past/present forces exploiting Latin America, use examples of the U.S.A.’s “dirty wars”, panamas influential liberation from colombia and other influences that countered the ideals of Latin America past leaders + include data from sources providing facts (web sources – periodicals… transition into recent coups attempts on Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Honduras…

Ecudaorian election campaign for President Correa in guayaquil. Flickr/2009 www.?
Focus on Bolivarian Movements such as ALBA and political impressions relating to Bolívar that can also been seen in President Rafael Correa’s ABA party. (web) Relate Bolívar to these movements. The movements are the central political organizations instrumental to empower it’s the influence using democratic tactics in appealing to the collective masses as a source of most its strength throughout the etc…
1 – paragraph conclusion… brief summary and personal input and something about Bolívar, his consideration that alone the exlploitve intentions of imperial superpower alone did not sabotage hope for a united Bolivarian Latin America but internal conflicts… state a bolivar qutoe about coruption against him(cite book).

                                                Works Cited
Compton’s Encyclopedia Britannica. 1991 Bolivar Simon , pg332  Vol 3.
Galeano, Eduardo. Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent. Monthly Review Press: NY, 1970?
Web sources
Refer to questions on the prof. guidelines.

research essay

For Tuesday, November 2nd, post on the sources you've found so far for your research essay. Describe each one, link to it if possible, and describe how it will help your topic. Keep in mind you can use wikipedia for backgound and to lead you to other sources, but it's not one of your final four.

Also begin to do some early drafting on your essay. Begin with the questions in Part I of the paper outline:

Drawing on your sources, describe and analyze the political situation the text was mean to address. Some questions you might consider:
What was the artist/activist’s relationship to this issue?
What kind of analysis or argument does the text/act put forward?
Is your text an example of protest art? Or something else?
What did the artist/activist think needed to be done in response to the issue?
How does the text/act suggest alternatives and/or solutions?
What does the text/act ask of the viewer/audience?
How did the text/act draw on/connect to a larger social movement?
What was your first reaction to the text/act? Do you think you would have reacted different when it was first created?in progress...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jorge - I think this is a great topic. As you move forward, think about if there are specific artistic or cultural representations you want to focus on.
